
Le billet de notre ami Textor a piqué ma curiosité quant à la "rareté" de cet ouvrage et à son "prix" sur le marché, en fonction de l'édition et de la condition des exemplaires proposés par les libraires.
Voici ci-dessous, la petit listing rapide que j'ai pu en tirer à partir de la base des libraires présents sur le site Vialibri que j'utilise souvent.
J'ai trié les exemplaires en fonction du seul critère mot-clé "sacrobosco", les résultats étant triés du plus cher au moins cher. Cette sélection n'a rien d'exhaustive ni de rigoureuse quant aux exemplaires actuellement présents sur le marché. Cela ne demande aucune conclusion précise ni aucune analyse de votre part, c'était simplement une petite sélection que je tenais à partager avec vous.
Voici :
1. SACROBOSCO, Johannes de [John of Holywood]- Sphaera Mundi. Johannes REGIOMONTANUS. Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta. Georg PEURBACH. Theoricae novae planetarum. Venice, Erhardt Ratdolt, 6 July 1482 4to (210 x 151 mm) ff 60, with full-page woodcut on verso of a1 and over 39 woodcut diagrams in text, many two-thirds page, of which 8 have a contemporary colour wash, 31 lines, incipit printed in red, white on black initials; a few leaves with some faint marginal waterstains, some occasional thumbmarks and other incidental stains, a very nice, large copy in nineteenth-century green morocco by Leighton, rebacked in matching style, gilt panels on spine, inner gilt dentelles, gilt edges. £22,500First printing of this assembly of basic texts of pre-Copernican astronomy. Sacrobosco's De sphaera mundi (editio princeps 1472) was the first printed astronomical book, and a fundamental text of medieval and post-medieval astronomy. It is a synthesis of Ptolemy and his Arabic commentators, presenting an elegant, accessible Ptolemaic cosmology, and for this reason was adopted as the most authoritative astronomical textbook of its time. From the time of its composition, ca 1220, Sacrobosco's De sphaera 'enjoyed great renown, and from the middle of the thirteenth century it was taught in all the schools of Europe. In the sixteenth century it gained the attention of mathematicians, including Clavius. As late as the seventeenth century it was used as a basic astronomy text... ' (John F. Daly in DSB). It was the most frequently printed astronomical work, some 30 incunable editions alone being published, and an even greater number of sixteenth-century editions.Sacrobosco's text is accompanied in this edition by two treatises by Regiomontanus (1436-1476) and his teacher Georg Peurbach (1423-1461). The tract by Regiomontanus concerns corrections to the planetary tables of Gerard of Sabbioneta. It is followed by Peurbach's Theoricae novae planetarum. Peurbach and Regiomontanus were the outstanding astronomers of their time and their early deaths were 'a serious loss to the progress of astronomy... [which] left the technical development of mathematical astronomy deprived of substantial improvement until the generation of Tycho Brahe' (ibid). Around 1454 Peurbach composed his textbook of astronomy, Novae theoricae planetarum (published in Nürnberg, 1473), which became the standard astronomical text for over a century and a half, as well as writing, with Regiomontanus, the Epitome of Ptolemy (published in 1496), the clearest and most accurate exposition of Ptolemaic astronomy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Following Arab astronomers, Peurbach 'added trepidation to Ptolemy's six motions of the celestial spheres and substituted solid crystal spheres for the hypothetical circles employed in Ptolemy's Almagest' (Stillwell).The full-page woodcut on the verso of a1 (the recto is blank so it forms a frontispiece) features the figure of Astronomia seated on a throne beneath the heavens, with Urania on her left and Ptolemy, 'princeps astronomorus' on her right, with a floral ground with rabbits and a deer at her feet.BMC V 286; Goff J405; Hain-Copinger 14110; Klebs 874.9; Sander 6661; see Thorndike, The sphere of Sacrobosco and its commentators. Bookseller: W. P. Watson Antiquarian Books. € 25,380.
2. Sacrobosco Johannes de; Regiomontanus; Georgius Peurbachius - SPHAERA MUNDI. Regiomontanus, DISPUTATIONES CONTRA CREMONENSIA DELIRAMENTA. Georgius Peurbachius, THEORICAE NOVE PLANETARUM. A very early issuance of these pre-Copernican texts of astronomy. Printed in Roman type, 41 lines without headlines. With 4-line and 12-line white-on-black woodcut initials, a full-page allegorical woodcut of Astonomia seated on a throne and flanked by Urania and Ptolemy, seven wood cut diagrams printed in 2 or 3 colors, and numerous other woodcut diagrams throughout including one of an armillary sphere, and the woodcut printerÕs mark printed in red 4to (195x 135mm), bound in full antique vellum. 48 leaves, unfoliated. A very fine copy, complete and uncommonly fresh; a few leaves shaved close by the binder affecting a few letters at the outside margin. rare. An early printing of this great scientific text and one of the two earliest astronomical books ever issued. Sacrobosco's SPHAERA MUNDI is probably the most popular astronomical text ever written. Originally printed at Ferrara in 1472, it was only the second astronomical book ever printed and among the earliest scientific text in any field. Although it did not advance astronomical knowledge beyond that attained by the Arabs in their commentaries on Ptolemy, it gained a great reputation; twenty-four editions appeared before 1500, and at least forty between 1500 and 1647, when the last edition was printed at Leiden. Little is known of Sacrobosco himself. It is believed he was of English origin, but unquestionably lived in the first half of the thirteenth century as professor of astronomy at Paris and it is known that he died in that city in 1256. He owed his reputation as an astronomer chiefly to this astronomical textbook "De Sphaera Mundi," which was used at universities all throughout Europe for several centuries. The exact place and time of his birth is unknown. As the Latinized name Sacrobosco seems to be a translation of the English name Holywood or Holybush, many believe that Holywood (now Halifax), in Yorkshire, was his birthplace. Others give it as Holywood near Dublin; others again claim that he came from Scotland. Sacrobosco studied first at Oxford, but then went to France, where, as a contemporary of St. Thomas Aquinas, he proved himself an efficient teacher of mathematics and astronomy. At that time many were deterred from undertaking the study of astronomy by such ponderous (and at that time largely obscure) works as those of Ptolemy, Alfraganus, and Albategnius, so Sacrobosco wisely resolved to write a compendium of spherical astronomy, which universities could use as a textbook. How well-timed and well received his book was is shown by the numerous editions published before the middle of the seventeenth century when the new Copernican theory was generally adopted. Georg Peurbach lived from 1423-1461 and was the teacher of Regiomontanus (1436-1476), another of the great early Renaissance scientists of astronomy. The work here included by Regiomontanus has to do with corrections rendered to planetary tables and it is accompanied not only by SacroboscoÕs text but by Peurbach"s NOVAE THEORICAE PLANETARUM. ÒPeurbach and Regiomontanus were the outstanding astronomers of their time and their early deaths were "a serious loss to the progress of astronomy. [which] left the technical development of mathematical astronomy deprived of substantial improvement until the generation of Tycho Brahe" (ibid). Around 1454 Peurbach composed his textbook of astronomy, NOVAE THEORICAE PLANETARUM (published in NŸrnberg,1473), which became the standard astronomical text for over a century and a half, as well as writing, with Regiomontanus, the Epitome of Ptolemy (published in 1496), the clearest and most accurate exposition of Ptolemaic astronomy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Bookseller: Buddenbrooks, Inc. ABAA. € 16,991.
3. Sacrobosco, J. de - Sphera mundi cum tribus, commentis nuper editis. Venice, Simon Papiens (Bevilaqua), 1499 (Hain 14125; BMC V, 524; Goff J 419). Folio, half calf & wooden boards. 150nn leaves. Full page printer device in verso of a2, second on verso M1. Text richly illustrated with woodcuts & surrounded by commentaries. Last three blank pages with contemporary, manuscript tables & commentaries. *Two books in one volume: Sacrobosco, Sphera Mundi, 'the fundamental astronomy of the Middle Ages' and Peuerbach, Theoricae novae planetarum, 'an elementary but thorough textbook on planetary theory describing the solid sphere representations of Ptolomeic planetary models. Bookseller: Frederik Muller Rare Books bv / De Ark. € 15,000.
4. JOHANNES DE SACROBOSCO. - A standard work on astronomy Libellus de sphaera. Accessit eiusdem autoris Computus ecclesiasticus, et alia quaedam in studiosorum gratiam edita. Cum praefatione Phi: Melanthonis. Wittenberg, Johannes Crato (Johann Krafft), 11 May 1553.. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. Contemporary pigskin, elaborately tooled in blind, including the spine, with floral border with two portraits in roundels on both sides, two borders with acorns in the centre, the front cover with 'I. B. R.' written in a blank compartment on top and '1558' in a blank com,partment underneath the center, paper label lettered in ink pasted to the upper compartment of the spine, the lower compartment being painted red; the binding can possibly be attributed to the Stuttgart bindery serviced by the Master NP. With a woodcut spherical globe on the title, 2 folded tables and 61 woodcuts in the text, 3 of which with movable parts (although Zinner calls for 3 plates with volvelles, the movable part of one fig. perhaps missing). (136) lvs including the two often lacking blanks at the end. HESIODUS . (GREEK TEXT) Opera et Dies una cum duabus praefationibus ac luculentissimis enarrationibus Phil. Melanth. iam recens conscriptis. Frankfurt a/M, Peter Brubach, 1553. 8vo. With charming woodcut initials. (92) lvs.. Ad 1 : One of the 16th-century Wittenberg editions with the prefaces, dated 1538 and 1540, and annotations by the well-known humanist and reformer Philippus Melanchton. The first edition with a preface by Melanchton was published at Wittenberg in 1531. Unlike the editions in folio and in 4to, the 1531 one in 8vo - of which our edition is vertually a reprint - was so cheap that it could become a required textbook and set an influential example. From 1538 onwards editions included movable parts or .... Bookseller: Antiquariaat Forum BV. € 13,250.
5. Sacrobosco, Johannes de; Regiomontanus; Peurbach - SPHAERA MUNDI - Vencie, Erhardt Ratdolt, 6 July 1482. - Sacrobosco s text is accompanied in this edition by two treatises by Regiomontanus (Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta) and his teacher Georg Peurbach (Theoricae novae planetarum). The tract of Regiomontanus concerns corrections to the planetary tables of Gerard of Sabbioneta. It is followed by Peurbach s Theoricae novae planetarum. Peurbach and Regiomontanus were the outstanding astronomers of their time. Sacrobosco s De Sphaera mundi was the first printed astronomical book and a fundamantal text of medieval and post medieval astronomy. It is a synthesis of Ptolemy and his Arabic commentators. As late as the 17th century it was used as a basic astronomy text. Later vellum, 4 to, 60 unpaginated leaves. 39 woodcut diagrams in text, many two-thirds page, of which 8 had a contemporary coloring. Recased with recent endpapers. Leaf a1 supplied from another copy. First printing of this assembly of basic text. Reference: Hain-Copinger 14110, Sander 6661, Goff J405. Bookseller: Rosenbad Antique Books. € 12,177.
6. Sacrobosco, Johannes de. Georg Puerbach y Johannes de Regiomontanus. Sphaera mundi. Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta. Theoricae novae planetarum [Bonetus Locatellus para:] Octaviano Scoto, 1490, 4 de octubre, Venecia: - 48 hojas. Signaturas a-f8. 41 líneas. 70 grabados 7 de ellos y el colofón impresos en color. En el verso de la hoja de título un gran grabado con la representación de la Astronomía. Encuadernación moderna en piel. Tres hojas añadidas al principio con diagramas astrológicos manuscritos. Ejemplar anotado profusamente en los márgenes. Alguna mancha ocasional y restauración antigua en la portada y hoja de colofón. Goff J.409. BMC v 438. Hain 14113. IBE 3277. Essling 261. Quinta edición de esta reunión de tratados astronómicos. La primera aparece en Venecia: Ratdolt 1482, del mismo impresor la segunda en 1485, Santritter también en Venecia en 1488, Martin Flach en Estrasburgo en 1490 y ésta impresa en el mismo año. La obra de Sacrobosco se publicó por vez primera en Ferrara: 1472.Tres textos fundamentales de la astronomia pre-copernicana agrupados por el impresor Ratdolt. El tratado de Sacrobosco es el texto básico de la astronomía tardo medieval. Es un resumen de las teorías de Ptolomeo y de sus comentaristas árabes. Los tres textos aquí editados fueron la base de la geografía y de la cosmografía en las escuelas hasta que llegaron los libros de Galileo. Su importancia los hizo pasar incluso por encima de la tradición copernicana en la educación tradicional. "Sacrobosco's fame rests firmly on his De sphaera, a small work based on Ptolomy and his Arabic commentators, published about 1220 and antedating the Sphaera of Grosseteste. It was quite generally adopted as the fundamental astronomy text... Bookseller: Els Llibres del Tirant. € 12,000.
7. SACROBOSCO, Johannis de - Sphere textum una cum additionibus non aspernandis Petri Ciruelli D(arocensis) ... questionibus Petri de Aliaco. Paris, Joannis Petit, 1515. En folio. Tipografía gótica a dos tamaños. Texto a dos columnas. 78 ff.[i.e.76]. Marca del impresor Petit en la portada, xilografía de esfera armillar en verso de a5 rodeada por Astronomía, Urania y Ptolomeo, mapa del cielo y las estrellas en b5r, mapa de los trópicos en l1r, otras xilografías al texto incluyendo la representación de los eclipses, figuras geométricas, etc. Encuadernación en pergamino moderno. Magnífica edición de la "Esfera del Mundo", la obra básica de astronomía, anotada y adicionada por el aragonés Pedro Ciruelo. Antes del texto hay unos versos latinos de Pedro de Lerma Burgense, sigue la dedicatoria a Jacobo Ramírez de Guzmán y a Alfonso Ossorio, y un erudito discurso sobre las ciencias matemáticas. Sacrobosco fue un eminente autor del siglo XIII nacido en Inglaterra y conocido como John Holywood; fue el primero en calcular las discrepancias existentes entre el calendario Juliano y el calendario solar actual, proponiendo un remedio prácticamente idéntico al que puso en práctica el Papa Gregorio XIII en el siglo dieciséis. La obra de Sacrobosco toma numerosas ideas de Ptolomeo, pero a la vez muestra un gran conocimiento de las obras de los astrónomos arábigos medievales; incluye la descripción , naturaleza y forma de la tierra, la división de ella en sus zonas climáticas, y el posicionamiento de las estrellas.Ciruelo hizo sobre el texto de Sacrobosco numerosas consideraciones matemáticas, astronómicas y filosóficas. Pedro Ciruelo (1470-1548) nació y empezó sus estudios en Daroca, los terminó en Salamanca y pasó posteriormente.... Bookseller: Librería José Porrúa Turanzas, S.A. € 9,000.
8. SACROBOSCO Jean. Sphere cum additionibus non aspernandis. Paris, Jean Petit, 1515 ; petit in-folio de 79 ff., mal chiffrés 81, [1] f. bl., maroquin prune du début du XXe siècle, filets à froid, dos à nerfs. Précieuse édition gothique imprimée à Paris en 1515 à deux colonnes par page. Sacrobosco donna au XIIIe siècle les fondements de l'astronomie précopernicienne. Il s'inspira beaucoup de Ptolémée, représenté sous la figure de la sphère. Le texte est ici annotée par le savant espagnol Pedro Ciruelo (1470-1548). L'édition contient de nombreux bois gravés dans le texte et de jolies lettrines à fond criblé : grande marque de l'imprimeur au titre, cartes du ciel, schémas et représentations de phénomènes astronomiques, etc. Cette édition est extrêmement rare. Pas d'exemplaire répertorié au CCFR ou sur COPAC.- Pas dans Graesse. Honeyman, 2726. Charnières fendues, quelques brunissures au papier, sinon intérieur bien conservé. Bookseller: Anne Lamort Livres Anciens. € 8,000.
9. SACROBOSCO, Johannes de. - Heavily annotated copy of one of the early Cologne (Quentell) editions Opus sphericum magistri Joannis de Sacro Busco natione angli figuris verissime exculptis et interpretatione familiari ad comoditatem desiderantium iucundissima Artis Astronomice callere principia pulcherrime et iterata recognitione illustratum. Cologne, Sons of Henricus Quentell, January 1505.. 4to. Modern boards. With a six-line woodcut initial on title comprising a teacher with his pupil, full-page woodcut of a armillary globe held by angels above and below, with the zodiac and a small view of a walled small town in centre on the verso of the title, and 27 large half-page astronomical and cosmological woodcuts in text, 2 other 6-line woodcut initials. (38) lvs. (last blank present; collation: A6, B-C4, D6, E-F4, G6, H4).. Rare fourth Quentell edition printed in Cologne, edited and together with the extensive comments by Wenceslaus Fabri of Budweiss (1455-1518), a medieval Czech astronomer, mainly known as the author of almanacs. After a university career in Leipzig he returned to his native town, now Ceske Budejovice, where he is considered one of the most distinguished medieval intellectual personages.The first edition of Sacrobosco's text as edited by Fabri of Budweiss was printed by Henricus Quentell in 1500 (HC 14124), followed by editions by the same publisher in 1501 (37 ff.; VD16 , J-708), 1503 (45 pp.; VD16 , J-709); again 1503 (37 ff.; VD16 , J-710), and 1505 (our copy), and followed by an edition in 1508 (38 ff.; VD16 , J-713). It seems likely that most editions were page-for-page reprints of the first 1500 edition. The editio princeps of De Sphaera appeared in Ferrara in 1472.Our copy is dated in the colophon: "Anno supra Jubileum Magnum Quinto ad finem Januarij", five years after the Great Jubilee (of 1500). On f. G2v is a printed table of the latitudes of the main places on earth: 'Tabula Cl.... Bookseller: Antiquariaat Forum BV. € 7,950.
10. Sacrobosco, J. de - Textus de Sphera. - Paris, H.S. Estienne, 1511 (Renouard; Estienne 10, nr 5). Folio, IXI century half calf. 32 leaves, engraved title page (woodcut Estiennes angel title border, carrying coat of arms of the University of Paris). Large woodcut in verso of a3 & c1, many small woodcuts illustrating the text. *Three texts in one volume, edited by Estienne for use at the University of Paris: Sacroboscos de Sphere; Bonus Latensis: liber annuli astronomici and Euclides: de Geometria i the Latin translation by Boethius. Bookseller: Frederik Muller Rare Books BV. € 4,200.
11. SACROBOSCO (Joannes) - Habes lector sphere textum una cum additionibus non aspernandis Petri Cirvelli cum ipsiusmet [sic] sublimi et luculentissima expositione aliquot figuris noviter adiunctis decorata, intersertis praeterea questionibus domini Petri de Alliaco. Paris, Jean Petit, Aug. - Large printer's device on title-page, almost full-page cut of an armillary sphere with three figures, and numerous small astronomical diagrams and illustrations, a few historiated initials on criblé ground. 4to."lxxviii" [i. e. 76] Modern boards. 1515. The standard work on cosmography in the 16th century which went through numerous editions in several different languages. The author was an eminent 13th century astronomer born in England as John Holywood who was the first to calculate the discrepancy between the Julian calendar and the actual solar year; he suggested a remedy which was almost identical to that devised by Pope Gregory XIII over 350 years later. Sacrobosco's work paraphrased ideas of Ptolemy, but also displays knowledge of the works of mediaeval Arabic astronomers; it includes a description on the nature and shape of the earth, its annual revolution, the rising and setting of the stars and the division of the earth into climactic zones. This edition is a reissue of Petit's 1508 edition and incorporates the commentaries of Pedro Sanchez Ciruelo and Pierre d'Ailly. Provenance. 16th and 17th century inscriptions on title-page, one cut out and repaired, Waterstaining affecting inner margins of many leaves, sometimes touching text, piece torn away from outer corner of last leaf (no loss of text). Moreau II, p. 337, no. 1216. Not in BMSTC (French) or Adams. Bookseller: Maggs Bros. Ltd ABA ILAB. € 3,622.
12. SACROBOSCO, Johannes de. Sphaera. Eliae Vineti santonis scholia in eandem Sphaeram, ab ipso auctore restituta. Adiunximus huic libro compendium in sphaeram, per Pierium Valerianum Bellunensem : et Petri Nonii Salaciensis demonstrationem eorum, quae in extremo capite de climatibus Sacroboscius scribit de inaquali climatum latitudine, codem Vineto interprete. Lyon, Hugonem Gazaeum, 1606. - In-12, [dimension: 172 x 100 mm] de 174 pp., 2 planches h.-t. Veau, dos à nerfs orné, plats ornés d'armes dorées sur le premier plat et d'un monogramme doré sur le second plat, filets d'encadrement, tranches marbrées. (Reliure de l'époque.) La "Sphère" de John of Holywood, ou Sacrobosco avec les commentaires de l'humaniste Elie Vinet, connut de nombreuses éditions au cours du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle. On sait le succès de cet ouvrage qui a servi de manuel pour l'enseignement de l'astronomie pendant plusieurs siècles. Le saintongeais Elie Vinet (1509-1587) a été l'un des plus brillants maîtres du Collège de Guyenne. Ce collège était au centre de la vie intellectuelle de Bordeaux et de sa région. Montaigne qui l'a qualifié de "meilleur de France", y entrat comme élève en 1539, l'année même où Vinet commença à y professer. Vinet a été l'éditeur de nombreux ouvrages qui pour la plupart, ont servi à l'enseignement qu'il dispensait. Illustré par 84 bois gravés dans le texte et par trois planches dépliantes dont deux tableaux. Exemplaire aux armes et au chiffre sur les plats et entre les nerfs de Claude V Molé, maître d'hôtel ordinaire du Roi Louis XIV. Selon Olivier, les livres de sa bibliothèque "étaient remarquablement reliés en veau fauve par LE PETIT LORRAIN, relieur de Troyes." Discrètes restaurations aux coiffes. Bon exemplaire. Desgraves, Elie Vinet 129. Olivier 1335. Bookseller: Hugues de Latude. € 3,550.
13. SACROBOSCO (J.)- Mundialis sphere opusculum Joannis de sacro busto nuper vigilantissime eme[n]datus tum figuris acco[m] modatissimis tum marginarijs annotatiunculis recenter adiectis hic habes candide lector. Parisiis, Reginaldu[m] Chaudiere, 1527 petit in-4, 16ff. à longues lignes, fig. sur bois au titre, dans le vol. et au dernier feuillet plein velin blanc moderne, titre en manuscrit sur le dos Nombreuses illustrations. Ecrit à Paris par Jean de Sacrobosco au XIIIe siècle (certainement vers 1230-1231), Le traité de la Sphère fut sans doute le livre d'astronomie le plus populaire de tous les temps. Avant l'invention de l'imprimerie, il fut de nombreuses fois recopié sous forme manuscrite (le plus ancien manuscrit qui nous soit parvenu se trouve à Copenhague et date de 1240 environ). Ce fut le premier livre d'astronomie imprimé en 1472 à Ferrare. Galilée lui même le commentait dans ses leçons à l'université de Padoue. Notes manuscrites de l'époque dans les marges BN Rés V 1022. Bookseller: Librairie Alain Brieux. € 3,000.
14. SACROBOSCO MAURO M. Fiorentino - Annotationi sopra la lettione della Spera (sfera) del Sacro Bosco doue si dichiarano tutti i principii mathematici & naturali, che in quella si possan' desiderare. Con alcune quistioni notabili a detta Spera necessarie, et altri notandi, et rari segreti, che in quella son ascosti (Segue da p. 97 a fine il testo de la Sphera:) Della nuova et fedele traduttione della Spera di M. Giovanni dal Sacro Busto. (In fine:) Stampato in Firenze, adi 6 di marzo MDL (Lorenzo Torrentino, 1550), in-4, pp. 219, (1bianca), bella leg. settec. p. perg. rigida, tass. in pelle con tit. oro al dorso. Dedica al Duca Cosimo de Medici. Testo in nitido car. tondo, belle iniz. silogr. Grande figura della sfera sul titolo, ripetuta a pag. 208, numerose figure astronomiche e diagrammi in silogr. nel testo, alcune delle quali a piena pag. Oltre le "Annotationi", come avverte il titolo, il volume contiene: "Una nuova & fedele (ad verbum) traduttione di detta Spera (pp. 97-146). Una Spera Theologica Divina, & Christiana. Una Spera Platonica Una Nuova inventione, & Astronomico instrumento ". Sull'ultima pag. un sonetto in lode di frà Mauro di Pietro Orsilago da Pisa. L'opera, con la nuova traduzione e le varie aggiunte, è molto più ampia della prima edizione della versione di fra Mauro ("Sphera volgare", Venezia, B. Zanetti, 1537), è annoverata tra le opere concernenti il Nuovo Mondo, ma non reca più i due piccoli globi con la scritta "America" presenti in quella edizione. Magnifico esempl. su carta forte a grandi margini, con armi cardinalizie disegnate a mano al verso del primo foglio di sguardia. Manca a Sabin. Moreni pp. 85-7. Harrisse, Bibl. Americana, Add. n. 182. Alden, European Americana I, 550/34. Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 1662, p. 510. Riccardi I, 137-8. Sander .... Bookseller: Pregliasco Libreria Antiquaria di Umberto Preglias. € 2,700.
15. SACROBOSCO, Johannis de (ca. 1195-1256)- Sphaera Joannis de Sacro Bosco, emendata. E. Vineti . scholia in eandem sphaeram, ab ipso auctore restituta. Adjunximus huic libro compendium in Sphaeram per P. Valerianum Bellunensem, et P. Nonii . demonstrationem eorum, quae in extremo capite de climatibus Sacroboscius scribit de inaequali climatum latitudine, eodem Vineto interprete. Parisiis: apud Hieronymum de Marnef, & Gulielmum Cauellat, sub Pelicano Monte D. Hilarij, 1572, - in-8vo, 94 ff. avec nombreuses bois gravés dans le texte, dont 4 avec éléments mobiles (volvelles) (2 complets, 1 détaché, 1 manquant), dérelié (folio M ii relié après M iii), marge de la page de titre réparé, trés frais, bel exemplaire, marge latérale du titre complété /restauré avec 2 timbres sur titre 'Dr med Sig Jos Balth Muggly' et 'Dr phil Sig J Ferd Ruegg' avec armoiries, parchemin de l'époque (dite: 'reliure hollandaise'). Ouvrage scientifique classique avec commentaire de l'humaniste Elie Vinet (1509-1587), rarement ont le trouve, comme c'est le cas pour cet exemplaire, avec la plupart des volvelles (éléments movible en papier) intactes et fonctionnantes. Le 'tractatus de Sphaera' de John of Holywood ou Sacrobosco est un des plus célèbres livres sur l'astronomie de tout les temps. Déja au moyen age trés répandu en forme de manuscrits copiés, il était un des premier livre scientifique a être publié après l'invention de l'imprimerie (première édition à Ferrare en 1472). Utilisé comme manuel pour l'enseignement universitaire pendant des siècles, il existe un grand nombre de différentes éditions et commentaires. Vinet était maître au Collège de Guyenne à Bordeaux et a publié de nombreux ouvrages surtout pour l'enseigement. C'est à partir de 1538 qu'on trouve des éditions avec volvelles. Les folii 90 - 94 sont déreliés et le numéro 94 apparait sur 2 folii, bien que le texte est complet. Exemplaire trés bien conservé qui appartenait entre autres au Dr. Joseph Balthasar Muggl.... Bookseller: Harteveld Rare Books Ltd. € 2,696.
Voici donc les 15 premiers résultats (en éliminant les doublons liés à la plateforme Vialibri). Chacun se fera son idée sur cet ouvrage, sa rareté, son prix, et nous fera partager ici son sentiment s'il en a envie.
Bonne soirée,
Voici ci-dessous, la petit listing rapide que j'ai pu en tirer à partir de la base des libraires présents sur le site Vialibri que j'utilise souvent.
J'ai trié les exemplaires en fonction du seul critère mot-clé "sacrobosco", les résultats étant triés du plus cher au moins cher. Cette sélection n'a rien d'exhaustive ni de rigoureuse quant aux exemplaires actuellement présents sur le marché. Cela ne demande aucune conclusion précise ni aucune analyse de votre part, c'était simplement une petite sélection que je tenais à partager avec vous.
Voici :
1. SACROBOSCO, Johannes de [John of Holywood]- Sphaera Mundi. Johannes REGIOMONTANUS. Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta. Georg PEURBACH. Theoricae novae planetarum. Venice, Erhardt Ratdolt, 6 July 1482 4to (210 x 151 mm) ff 60, with full-page woodcut on verso of a1 and over 39 woodcut diagrams in text, many two-thirds page, of which 8 have a contemporary colour wash, 31 lines, incipit printed in red, white on black initials; a few leaves with some faint marginal waterstains, some occasional thumbmarks and other incidental stains, a very nice, large copy in nineteenth-century green morocco by Leighton, rebacked in matching style, gilt panels on spine, inner gilt dentelles, gilt edges. £22,500First printing of this assembly of basic texts of pre-Copernican astronomy. Sacrobosco's De sphaera mundi (editio princeps 1472) was the first printed astronomical book, and a fundamental text of medieval and post-medieval astronomy. It is a synthesis of Ptolemy and his Arabic commentators, presenting an elegant, accessible Ptolemaic cosmology, and for this reason was adopted as the most authoritative astronomical textbook of its time. From the time of its composition, ca 1220, Sacrobosco's De sphaera 'enjoyed great renown, and from the middle of the thirteenth century it was taught in all the schools of Europe. In the sixteenth century it gained the attention of mathematicians, including Clavius. As late as the seventeenth century it was used as a basic astronomy text... ' (John F. Daly in DSB). It was the most frequently printed astronomical work, some 30 incunable editions alone being published, and an even greater number of sixteenth-century editions.Sacrobosco's text is accompanied in this edition by two treatises by Regiomontanus (1436-1476) and his teacher Georg Peurbach (1423-1461). The tract by Regiomontanus concerns corrections to the planetary tables of Gerard of Sabbioneta. It is followed by Peurbach's Theoricae novae planetarum. Peurbach and Regiomontanus were the outstanding astronomers of their time and their early deaths were 'a serious loss to the progress of astronomy... [which] left the technical development of mathematical astronomy deprived of substantial improvement until the generation of Tycho Brahe' (ibid). Around 1454 Peurbach composed his textbook of astronomy, Novae theoricae planetarum (published in Nürnberg, 1473), which became the standard astronomical text for over a century and a half, as well as writing, with Regiomontanus, the Epitome of Ptolemy (published in 1496), the clearest and most accurate exposition of Ptolemaic astronomy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Following Arab astronomers, Peurbach 'added trepidation to Ptolemy's six motions of the celestial spheres and substituted solid crystal spheres for the hypothetical circles employed in Ptolemy's Almagest' (Stillwell).The full-page woodcut on the verso of a1 (the recto is blank so it forms a frontispiece) features the figure of Astronomia seated on a throne beneath the heavens, with Urania on her left and Ptolemy, 'princeps astronomorus' on her right, with a floral ground with rabbits and a deer at her feet.BMC V 286; Goff J405; Hain-Copinger 14110; Klebs 874.9; Sander 6661; see Thorndike, The sphere of Sacrobosco and its commentators. Bookseller: W. P. Watson Antiquarian Books. € 25,380.
2. Sacrobosco Johannes de; Regiomontanus; Georgius Peurbachius - SPHAERA MUNDI. Regiomontanus, DISPUTATIONES CONTRA CREMONENSIA DELIRAMENTA. Georgius Peurbachius, THEORICAE NOVE PLANETARUM. A very early issuance of these pre-Copernican texts of astronomy. Printed in Roman type, 41 lines without headlines. With 4-line and 12-line white-on-black woodcut initials, a full-page allegorical woodcut of Astonomia seated on a throne and flanked by Urania and Ptolemy, seven wood cut diagrams printed in 2 or 3 colors, and numerous other woodcut diagrams throughout including one of an armillary sphere, and the woodcut printerÕs mark printed in red 4to (195x 135mm), bound in full antique vellum. 48 leaves, unfoliated. A very fine copy, complete and uncommonly fresh; a few leaves shaved close by the binder affecting a few letters at the outside margin. rare. An early printing of this great scientific text and one of the two earliest astronomical books ever issued. Sacrobosco's SPHAERA MUNDI is probably the most popular astronomical text ever written. Originally printed at Ferrara in 1472, it was only the second astronomical book ever printed and among the earliest scientific text in any field. Although it did not advance astronomical knowledge beyond that attained by the Arabs in their commentaries on Ptolemy, it gained a great reputation; twenty-four editions appeared before 1500, and at least forty between 1500 and 1647, when the last edition was printed at Leiden. Little is known of Sacrobosco himself. It is believed he was of English origin, but unquestionably lived in the first half of the thirteenth century as professor of astronomy at Paris and it is known that he died in that city in 1256. He owed his reputation as an astronomer chiefly to this astronomical textbook "De Sphaera Mundi," which was used at universities all throughout Europe for several centuries. The exact place and time of his birth is unknown. As the Latinized name Sacrobosco seems to be a translation of the English name Holywood or Holybush, many believe that Holywood (now Halifax), in Yorkshire, was his birthplace. Others give it as Holywood near Dublin; others again claim that he came from Scotland. Sacrobosco studied first at Oxford, but then went to France, where, as a contemporary of St. Thomas Aquinas, he proved himself an efficient teacher of mathematics and astronomy. At that time many were deterred from undertaking the study of astronomy by such ponderous (and at that time largely obscure) works as those of Ptolemy, Alfraganus, and Albategnius, so Sacrobosco wisely resolved to write a compendium of spherical astronomy, which universities could use as a textbook. How well-timed and well received his book was is shown by the numerous editions published before the middle of the seventeenth century when the new Copernican theory was generally adopted. Georg Peurbach lived from 1423-1461 and was the teacher of Regiomontanus (1436-1476), another of the great early Renaissance scientists of astronomy. The work here included by Regiomontanus has to do with corrections rendered to planetary tables and it is accompanied not only by SacroboscoÕs text but by Peurbach"s NOVAE THEORICAE PLANETARUM. ÒPeurbach and Regiomontanus were the outstanding astronomers of their time and their early deaths were "a serious loss to the progress of astronomy. [which] left the technical development of mathematical astronomy deprived of substantial improvement until the generation of Tycho Brahe" (ibid). Around 1454 Peurbach composed his textbook of astronomy, NOVAE THEORICAE PLANETARUM (published in NŸrnberg,1473), which became the standard astronomical text for over a century and a half, as well as writing, with Regiomontanus, the Epitome of Ptolemy (published in 1496), the clearest and most accurate exposition of Ptolemaic astronomy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Bookseller: Buddenbrooks, Inc. ABAA. € 16,991.
3. Sacrobosco, J. de - Sphera mundi cum tribus, commentis nuper editis. Venice, Simon Papiens (Bevilaqua), 1499 (Hain 14125; BMC V, 524; Goff J 419). Folio, half calf & wooden boards. 150nn leaves. Full page printer device in verso of a2, second on verso M1. Text richly illustrated with woodcuts & surrounded by commentaries. Last three blank pages with contemporary, manuscript tables & commentaries. *Two books in one volume: Sacrobosco, Sphera Mundi, 'the fundamental astronomy of the Middle Ages' and Peuerbach, Theoricae novae planetarum, 'an elementary but thorough textbook on planetary theory describing the solid sphere representations of Ptolomeic planetary models. Bookseller: Frederik Muller Rare Books bv / De Ark. € 15,000.
4. JOHANNES DE SACROBOSCO. - A standard work on astronomy Libellus de sphaera. Accessit eiusdem autoris Computus ecclesiasticus, et alia quaedam in studiosorum gratiam edita. Cum praefatione Phi: Melanthonis. Wittenberg, Johannes Crato (Johann Krafft), 11 May 1553.. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. Contemporary pigskin, elaborately tooled in blind, including the spine, with floral border with two portraits in roundels on both sides, two borders with acorns in the centre, the front cover with 'I. B. R.' written in a blank compartment on top and '1558' in a blank com,partment underneath the center, paper label lettered in ink pasted to the upper compartment of the spine, the lower compartment being painted red; the binding can possibly be attributed to the Stuttgart bindery serviced by the Master NP. With a woodcut spherical globe on the title, 2 folded tables and 61 woodcuts in the text, 3 of which with movable parts (although Zinner calls for 3 plates with volvelles, the movable part of one fig. perhaps missing). (136) lvs including the two often lacking blanks at the end. HESIODUS . (GREEK TEXT) Opera et Dies una cum duabus praefationibus ac luculentissimis enarrationibus Phil. Melanth. iam recens conscriptis. Frankfurt a/M, Peter Brubach, 1553. 8vo. With charming woodcut initials. (92) lvs.. Ad 1 : One of the 16th-century Wittenberg editions with the prefaces, dated 1538 and 1540, and annotations by the well-known humanist and reformer Philippus Melanchton. The first edition with a preface by Melanchton was published at Wittenberg in 1531. Unlike the editions in folio and in 4to, the 1531 one in 8vo - of which our edition is vertually a reprint - was so cheap that it could become a required textbook and set an influential example. From 1538 onwards editions included movable parts or .... Bookseller: Antiquariaat Forum BV. € 13,250.
5. Sacrobosco, Johannes de; Regiomontanus; Peurbach - SPHAERA MUNDI - Vencie, Erhardt Ratdolt, 6 July 1482. - Sacrobosco s text is accompanied in this edition by two treatises by Regiomontanus (Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta) and his teacher Georg Peurbach (Theoricae novae planetarum). The tract of Regiomontanus concerns corrections to the planetary tables of Gerard of Sabbioneta. It is followed by Peurbach s Theoricae novae planetarum. Peurbach and Regiomontanus were the outstanding astronomers of their time. Sacrobosco s De Sphaera mundi was the first printed astronomical book and a fundamantal text of medieval and post medieval astronomy. It is a synthesis of Ptolemy and his Arabic commentators. As late as the 17th century it was used as a basic astronomy text. Later vellum, 4 to, 60 unpaginated leaves. 39 woodcut diagrams in text, many two-thirds page, of which 8 had a contemporary coloring. Recased with recent endpapers. Leaf a1 supplied from another copy. First printing of this assembly of basic text. Reference: Hain-Copinger 14110, Sander 6661, Goff J405. Bookseller: Rosenbad Antique Books. € 12,177.
6. Sacrobosco, Johannes de. Georg Puerbach y Johannes de Regiomontanus. Sphaera mundi. Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta. Theoricae novae planetarum [Bonetus Locatellus para:] Octaviano Scoto, 1490, 4 de octubre, Venecia: - 48 hojas. Signaturas a-f8. 41 líneas. 70 grabados 7 de ellos y el colofón impresos en color. En el verso de la hoja de título un gran grabado con la representación de la Astronomía. Encuadernación moderna en piel. Tres hojas añadidas al principio con diagramas astrológicos manuscritos. Ejemplar anotado profusamente en los márgenes. Alguna mancha ocasional y restauración antigua en la portada y hoja de colofón. Goff J.409. BMC v 438. Hain 14113. IBE 3277. Essling 261. Quinta edición de esta reunión de tratados astronómicos. La primera aparece en Venecia: Ratdolt 1482, del mismo impresor la segunda en 1485, Santritter también en Venecia en 1488, Martin Flach en Estrasburgo en 1490 y ésta impresa en el mismo año. La obra de Sacrobosco se publicó por vez primera en Ferrara: 1472.Tres textos fundamentales de la astronomia pre-copernicana agrupados por el impresor Ratdolt. El tratado de Sacrobosco es el texto básico de la astronomía tardo medieval. Es un resumen de las teorías de Ptolomeo y de sus comentaristas árabes. Los tres textos aquí editados fueron la base de la geografía y de la cosmografía en las escuelas hasta que llegaron los libros de Galileo. Su importancia los hizo pasar incluso por encima de la tradición copernicana en la educación tradicional. "Sacrobosco's fame rests firmly on his De sphaera, a small work based on Ptolomy and his Arabic commentators, published about 1220 and antedating the Sphaera of Grosseteste. It was quite generally adopted as the fundamental astronomy text... Bookseller: Els Llibres del Tirant. € 12,000.
7. SACROBOSCO, Johannis de - Sphere textum una cum additionibus non aspernandis Petri Ciruelli D(arocensis) ... questionibus Petri de Aliaco. Paris, Joannis Petit, 1515. En folio. Tipografía gótica a dos tamaños. Texto a dos columnas. 78 ff.[i.e.76]. Marca del impresor Petit en la portada, xilografía de esfera armillar en verso de a5 rodeada por Astronomía, Urania y Ptolomeo, mapa del cielo y las estrellas en b5r, mapa de los trópicos en l1r, otras xilografías al texto incluyendo la representación de los eclipses, figuras geométricas, etc. Encuadernación en pergamino moderno. Magnífica edición de la "Esfera del Mundo", la obra básica de astronomía, anotada y adicionada por el aragonés Pedro Ciruelo. Antes del texto hay unos versos latinos de Pedro de Lerma Burgense, sigue la dedicatoria a Jacobo Ramírez de Guzmán y a Alfonso Ossorio, y un erudito discurso sobre las ciencias matemáticas. Sacrobosco fue un eminente autor del siglo XIII nacido en Inglaterra y conocido como John Holywood; fue el primero en calcular las discrepancias existentes entre el calendario Juliano y el calendario solar actual, proponiendo un remedio prácticamente idéntico al que puso en práctica el Papa Gregorio XIII en el siglo dieciséis. La obra de Sacrobosco toma numerosas ideas de Ptolomeo, pero a la vez muestra un gran conocimiento de las obras de los astrónomos arábigos medievales; incluye la descripción , naturaleza y forma de la tierra, la división de ella en sus zonas climáticas, y el posicionamiento de las estrellas.Ciruelo hizo sobre el texto de Sacrobosco numerosas consideraciones matemáticas, astronómicas y filosóficas. Pedro Ciruelo (1470-1548) nació y empezó sus estudios en Daroca, los terminó en Salamanca y pasó posteriormente.... Bookseller: Librería José Porrúa Turanzas, S.A. € 9,000.
8. SACROBOSCO Jean. Sphere cum additionibus non aspernandis. Paris, Jean Petit, 1515 ; petit in-folio de 79 ff., mal chiffrés 81, [1] f. bl., maroquin prune du début du XXe siècle, filets à froid, dos à nerfs. Précieuse édition gothique imprimée à Paris en 1515 à deux colonnes par page. Sacrobosco donna au XIIIe siècle les fondements de l'astronomie précopernicienne. Il s'inspira beaucoup de Ptolémée, représenté sous la figure de la sphère. Le texte est ici annotée par le savant espagnol Pedro Ciruelo (1470-1548). L'édition contient de nombreux bois gravés dans le texte et de jolies lettrines à fond criblé : grande marque de l'imprimeur au titre, cartes du ciel, schémas et représentations de phénomènes astronomiques, etc. Cette édition est extrêmement rare. Pas d'exemplaire répertorié au CCFR ou sur COPAC.- Pas dans Graesse. Honeyman, 2726. Charnières fendues, quelques brunissures au papier, sinon intérieur bien conservé. Bookseller: Anne Lamort Livres Anciens. € 8,000.
9. SACROBOSCO, Johannes de. - Heavily annotated copy of one of the early Cologne (Quentell) editions Opus sphericum magistri Joannis de Sacro Busco natione angli figuris verissime exculptis et interpretatione familiari ad comoditatem desiderantium iucundissima Artis Astronomice callere principia pulcherrime et iterata recognitione illustratum. Cologne, Sons of Henricus Quentell, January 1505.. 4to. Modern boards. With a six-line woodcut initial on title comprising a teacher with his pupil, full-page woodcut of a armillary globe held by angels above and below, with the zodiac and a small view of a walled small town in centre on the verso of the title, and 27 large half-page astronomical and cosmological woodcuts in text, 2 other 6-line woodcut initials. (38) lvs. (last blank present; collation: A6, B-C4, D6, E-F4, G6, H4).. Rare fourth Quentell edition printed in Cologne, edited and together with the extensive comments by Wenceslaus Fabri of Budweiss (1455-1518), a medieval Czech astronomer, mainly known as the author of almanacs. After a university career in Leipzig he returned to his native town, now Ceske Budejovice, where he is considered one of the most distinguished medieval intellectual personages.The first edition of Sacrobosco's text as edited by Fabri of Budweiss was printed by Henricus Quentell in 1500 (HC 14124), followed by editions by the same publisher in 1501 (37 ff.; VD16 , J-708), 1503 (45 pp.; VD16 , J-709); again 1503 (37 ff.; VD16 , J-710), and 1505 (our copy), and followed by an edition in 1508 (38 ff.; VD16 , J-713). It seems likely that most editions were page-for-page reprints of the first 1500 edition. The editio princeps of De Sphaera appeared in Ferrara in 1472.Our copy is dated in the colophon: "Anno supra Jubileum Magnum Quinto ad finem Januarij", five years after the Great Jubilee (of 1500). On f. G2v is a printed table of the latitudes of the main places on earth: 'Tabula Cl.... Bookseller: Antiquariaat Forum BV. € 7,950.
10. Sacrobosco, J. de - Textus de Sphera. - Paris, H.S. Estienne, 1511 (Renouard; Estienne 10, nr 5). Folio, IXI century half calf. 32 leaves, engraved title page (woodcut Estiennes angel title border, carrying coat of arms of the University of Paris). Large woodcut in verso of a3 & c1, many small woodcuts illustrating the text. *Three texts in one volume, edited by Estienne for use at the University of Paris: Sacroboscos de Sphere; Bonus Latensis: liber annuli astronomici and Euclides: de Geometria i the Latin translation by Boethius. Bookseller: Frederik Muller Rare Books BV. € 4,200.
11. SACROBOSCO (Joannes) - Habes lector sphere textum una cum additionibus non aspernandis Petri Cirvelli cum ipsiusmet [sic] sublimi et luculentissima expositione aliquot figuris noviter adiunctis decorata, intersertis praeterea questionibus domini Petri de Alliaco. Paris, Jean Petit, Aug. - Large printer's device on title-page, almost full-page cut of an armillary sphere with three figures, and numerous small astronomical diagrams and illustrations, a few historiated initials on criblé ground. 4to."lxxviii" [i. e. 76] Modern boards. 1515. The standard work on cosmography in the 16th century which went through numerous editions in several different languages. The author was an eminent 13th century astronomer born in England as John Holywood who was the first to calculate the discrepancy between the Julian calendar and the actual solar year; he suggested a remedy which was almost identical to that devised by Pope Gregory XIII over 350 years later. Sacrobosco's work paraphrased ideas of Ptolemy, but also displays knowledge of the works of mediaeval Arabic astronomers; it includes a description on the nature and shape of the earth, its annual revolution, the rising and setting of the stars and the division of the earth into climactic zones. This edition is a reissue of Petit's 1508 edition and incorporates the commentaries of Pedro Sanchez Ciruelo and Pierre d'Ailly. Provenance. 16th and 17th century inscriptions on title-page, one cut out and repaired, Waterstaining affecting inner margins of many leaves, sometimes touching text, piece torn away from outer corner of last leaf (no loss of text). Moreau II, p. 337, no. 1216. Not in BMSTC (French) or Adams. Bookseller: Maggs Bros. Ltd ABA ILAB. € 3,622.
12. SACROBOSCO, Johannes de. Sphaera. Eliae Vineti santonis scholia in eandem Sphaeram, ab ipso auctore restituta. Adiunximus huic libro compendium in sphaeram, per Pierium Valerianum Bellunensem : et Petri Nonii Salaciensis demonstrationem eorum, quae in extremo capite de climatibus Sacroboscius scribit de inaquali climatum latitudine, codem Vineto interprete. Lyon, Hugonem Gazaeum, 1606. - In-12, [dimension: 172 x 100 mm] de 174 pp., 2 planches h.-t. Veau, dos à nerfs orné, plats ornés d'armes dorées sur le premier plat et d'un monogramme doré sur le second plat, filets d'encadrement, tranches marbrées. (Reliure de l'époque.) La "Sphère" de John of Holywood, ou Sacrobosco avec les commentaires de l'humaniste Elie Vinet, connut de nombreuses éditions au cours du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle. On sait le succès de cet ouvrage qui a servi de manuel pour l'enseignement de l'astronomie pendant plusieurs siècles. Le saintongeais Elie Vinet (1509-1587) a été l'un des plus brillants maîtres du Collège de Guyenne. Ce collège était au centre de la vie intellectuelle de Bordeaux et de sa région. Montaigne qui l'a qualifié de "meilleur de France", y entrat comme élève en 1539, l'année même où Vinet commença à y professer. Vinet a été l'éditeur de nombreux ouvrages qui pour la plupart, ont servi à l'enseignement qu'il dispensait. Illustré par 84 bois gravés dans le texte et par trois planches dépliantes dont deux tableaux. Exemplaire aux armes et au chiffre sur les plats et entre les nerfs de Claude V Molé, maître d'hôtel ordinaire du Roi Louis XIV. Selon Olivier, les livres de sa bibliothèque "étaient remarquablement reliés en veau fauve par LE PETIT LORRAIN, relieur de Troyes." Discrètes restaurations aux coiffes. Bon exemplaire. Desgraves, Elie Vinet 129. Olivier 1335. Bookseller: Hugues de Latude. € 3,550.
13. SACROBOSCO (J.)- Mundialis sphere opusculum Joannis de sacro busto nuper vigilantissime eme[n]datus tum figuris acco[m] modatissimis tum marginarijs annotatiunculis recenter adiectis hic habes candide lector. Parisiis, Reginaldu[m] Chaudiere, 1527 petit in-4, 16ff. à longues lignes, fig. sur bois au titre, dans le vol. et au dernier feuillet plein velin blanc moderne, titre en manuscrit sur le dos Nombreuses illustrations. Ecrit à Paris par Jean de Sacrobosco au XIIIe siècle (certainement vers 1230-1231), Le traité de la Sphère fut sans doute le livre d'astronomie le plus populaire de tous les temps. Avant l'invention de l'imprimerie, il fut de nombreuses fois recopié sous forme manuscrite (le plus ancien manuscrit qui nous soit parvenu se trouve à Copenhague et date de 1240 environ). Ce fut le premier livre d'astronomie imprimé en 1472 à Ferrare. Galilée lui même le commentait dans ses leçons à l'université de Padoue. Notes manuscrites de l'époque dans les marges BN Rés V 1022. Bookseller: Librairie Alain Brieux. € 3,000.
14. SACROBOSCO MAURO M. Fiorentino - Annotationi sopra la lettione della Spera (sfera) del Sacro Bosco doue si dichiarano tutti i principii mathematici & naturali, che in quella si possan' desiderare. Con alcune quistioni notabili a detta Spera necessarie, et altri notandi, et rari segreti, che in quella son ascosti (Segue da p. 97 a fine il testo de la Sphera:) Della nuova et fedele traduttione della Spera di M. Giovanni dal Sacro Busto. (In fine:) Stampato in Firenze, adi 6 di marzo MDL (Lorenzo Torrentino, 1550), in-4, pp. 219, (1bianca), bella leg. settec. p. perg. rigida, tass. in pelle con tit. oro al dorso. Dedica al Duca Cosimo de Medici. Testo in nitido car. tondo, belle iniz. silogr. Grande figura della sfera sul titolo, ripetuta a pag. 208, numerose figure astronomiche e diagrammi in silogr. nel testo, alcune delle quali a piena pag. Oltre le "Annotationi", come avverte il titolo, il volume contiene: "Una nuova & fedele (ad verbum) traduttione di detta Spera (pp. 97-146). Una Spera Theologica Divina, & Christiana. Una Spera Platonica Una Nuova inventione, & Astronomico instrumento ". Sull'ultima pag. un sonetto in lode di frà Mauro di Pietro Orsilago da Pisa. L'opera, con la nuova traduzione e le varie aggiunte, è molto più ampia della prima edizione della versione di fra Mauro ("Sphera volgare", Venezia, B. Zanetti, 1537), è annoverata tra le opere concernenti il Nuovo Mondo, ma non reca più i due piccoli globi con la scritta "America" presenti in quella edizione. Magnifico esempl. su carta forte a grandi margini, con armi cardinalizie disegnate a mano al verso del primo foglio di sguardia. Manca a Sabin. Moreni pp. 85-7. Harrisse, Bibl. Americana, Add. n. 182. Alden, European Americana I, 550/34. Houzeau-Lancaster, n. 1662, p. 510. Riccardi I, 137-8. Sander .... Bookseller: Pregliasco Libreria Antiquaria di Umberto Preglias. € 2,700.
15. SACROBOSCO, Johannis de (ca. 1195-1256)- Sphaera Joannis de Sacro Bosco, emendata. E. Vineti . scholia in eandem sphaeram, ab ipso auctore restituta. Adjunximus huic libro compendium in Sphaeram per P. Valerianum Bellunensem, et P. Nonii . demonstrationem eorum, quae in extremo capite de climatibus Sacroboscius scribit de inaequali climatum latitudine, eodem Vineto interprete. Parisiis: apud Hieronymum de Marnef, & Gulielmum Cauellat, sub Pelicano Monte D. Hilarij, 1572, - in-8vo, 94 ff. avec nombreuses bois gravés dans le texte, dont 4 avec éléments mobiles (volvelles) (2 complets, 1 détaché, 1 manquant), dérelié (folio M ii relié après M iii), marge de la page de titre réparé, trés frais, bel exemplaire, marge latérale du titre complété /restauré avec 2 timbres sur titre 'Dr med Sig Jos Balth Muggly' et 'Dr phil Sig J Ferd Ruegg' avec armoiries, parchemin de l'époque (dite: 'reliure hollandaise'). Ouvrage scientifique classique avec commentaire de l'humaniste Elie Vinet (1509-1587), rarement ont le trouve, comme c'est le cas pour cet exemplaire, avec la plupart des volvelles (éléments movible en papier) intactes et fonctionnantes. Le 'tractatus de Sphaera' de John of Holywood ou Sacrobosco est un des plus célèbres livres sur l'astronomie de tout les temps. Déja au moyen age trés répandu en forme de manuscrits copiés, il était un des premier livre scientifique a être publié après l'invention de l'imprimerie (première édition à Ferrare en 1472). Utilisé comme manuel pour l'enseignement universitaire pendant des siècles, il existe un grand nombre de différentes éditions et commentaires. Vinet était maître au Collège de Guyenne à Bordeaux et a publié de nombreux ouvrages surtout pour l'enseigement. C'est à partir de 1538 qu'on trouve des éditions avec volvelles. Les folii 90 - 94 sont déreliés et le numéro 94 apparait sur 2 folii, bien que le texte est complet. Exemplaire trés bien conservé qui appartenait entre autres au Dr. Joseph Balthasar Muggl.... Bookseller: Harteveld Rare Books Ltd. € 2,696.
Voici donc les 15 premiers résultats (en éliminant les doublons liés à la plateforme Vialibri). Chacun se fera son idée sur cet ouvrage, sa rareté, son prix, et nous fera partager ici son sentiment s'il en a envie.
Bonne soirée,